

1.      Preach about it. The solution isn’t to NOT mention singlehood—that’s part of the problem! Single women already can’t and don’t see themselves in the reflection of the Body of Christ. So show them, and the congregation:

  • If a woman in the Scripture is likely single, point it out.
  • For every example you use of marriage, family, or a spouse, use an example for/of single people.
  • Don’t make your marriage (or the institution) the butt of a joke. 
  • When you’re done with a sermon, read it again but think to yourself, “What would a single woman hear in this exegesis?” Maybe keep one or two in mind as you write it.
  • Remember that Paul’s letters are letters to specific situations. Do the thorough analysis of the context and culture before you admonish the dating world. 

2.      Examine it. 

  • Take a self-evaluation test twice a year.
  • How many single women (as defined above and on this website) do you have in your congregation? 
  • Take a look at your budget. How much money is spent on spiritual formation of certain demographics as compared to others? Is there parity between, say, the children and the single women?
  • Do they have representation in teaching and decision-making boards of your church?

3. Ask a single clergy person for their point of view.

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